Just a lil background...

I know some coding, but I am pretty much self-taught. I've only taken two official coding classes - one for Intro to Java and another for Intro to Python. As I'm trying to advance in my career, I'm realizing that there's a whole bunch of stuff that lies beyond languages and logic ;_;. So, here's where I'll take some notes :).

So far cost-analysis seems to be more related to SQL / querying which isn't what I was interested in. But, I'm still going to check it out. I'm about to check the following:

03.15.2021 20:56 EST

The daily coding problem mentioned one-pass, which I've never even heard of ;_;. So I looked it up and came across yet another term I've never even heard of: cost analysis. So that's what I'll explore! I might not solve the problem, but at least I will have learned something new.

03.15.2021 20:37 EST